decisions, decisions

Every day we make many decisions, some easy, some more difficult. We decide what to wear, what to have for breakfast, what to watch on TV. If you have been to New Mexico the big decision is red or green??! Some decisions take more planning and research. Where should I go on vacation? What color should I paint the living room? A couple of months ago I bought a new car. The first decision I made was was how much I wanted to spend. And what kind of car did I want? Did the color matter? New or used? I ended up buying a car that I never thought I would own!

Some choices we regret. I can think of a few haircuts that were a huge mistake! Or turning left when I should have turned right. Or a blind date or two that were a huge waste of time. We can definitely overthink a decision. It can be agonizing and paralyzing but once the choice is made, now you can move forward.

Sometimes decisions are made for us. I had been thinking about getting a cat and when several stray cats showed up on my doorstep, well, now I have two cats. Doing nothing is also a decision. Sometimes the options can be overwhelming so we decide to do nothing.

At some point in our lives we face life-changing decisions. Move to a new city? Start a new career? Get married? Have children? End a relationship? Decisions bring changes, both good and bad.

My family is currently dealing with a major life-altering decision. The choice that one person makes will affect the rest of us. Everyone will offer opinions, make lists of pros and cons but ultimately the decision will be up to one family member. We’ll do our best to move forward when the decision is made, then of course, there will be more decisions to be made!

As always, thank you for deciding to read my blog post! Here are a few photos of places I chose to go last month and things I did….

hope and renewal

Spring is in full swing in the desert. Trees are budding out, cactus are blooming, the days are getting warmer. Easter is coming and Christians around the world will celebrate one of the most important observances of the year. All symbols of hope and renewal.

I was reading a lot of quotes about “hope” as I was trying to figure out what to write about this month. “Hope” is a powerful word that inspires millions of people. Hope reduces feelings of helplessness, increases happiness, reduces stress, and improves our quality of life. Or, according to Merriam-Webster, hope implies little certainty but suggests confidence or assurance in the possibility that what one desires or longs for will happen.

During the past month I have been hoping several things would happen as a member of my family is dealing with health issues. We hope the medication will work; we hope she will heal; we hope she isn’t in pain. People tell us to never give up hope. Hope is necessary and motivating. Hope gets us through difficult situations.

I realized I use the word hope a lot — “I hope you’re feeling better.” “I hope I can find a bathroom.” “I hope I get this blogpost finished!”

Here’s a few things I hoped would happen and now I know they will happen — I’m going on a cruise. I start work in May. The Easter Bunny will bring me chocolate!! Just threw that last one in to make you laugh.

Wishing you a Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Happy Earth Day and a basketful of chocolate!

I hope you enjoy these photos from my March adventures!

every ending is a new beginning

Good-bye 2022, hello 2023!

Endings can be many things — devastating, bittersweet, welcome, sad, happy. Endings can bring a fresh start, a new challenge or even an exciting adventure. It depends on how you look at it.

When a year comes to an end I always wonder where the time went. The older I get, the faster time seems to go. This past year felt almost normal to me. I traveled by car, plane, bus, ferry, train, ship. I hung out with friends. I ate in restaurants, went to festivals, visited museums. I worked in the cruise industry.

And I got Covid. It seemed like everyone I knew has had it and that it was only a matter of time before the virus caught up with me. Thanks to the booster I received just a month prior, my symptoms were mild and lasted about 24 hours.

As we turn the page to 2023 I’m already planning for the coming weeks — a couple of day trips, volunteering at a community event, a trip to Seattle and Anchorage.

And as we put 2022 in the rearview mirror, please know that I greatly appreciate your friendship and support and am grateful to you for continuing to read my blog. I look forward to catching up with you in person this year.

What are your new beginnings for 2023??

Happy New Year!! I wish you peace, happiness, good health and amazing adventures!

A review of 2022…

beauty is all around

I will be happy forever,
Nothing will hinder me;
I walk with beauty before me,
I walk with beauty behind me,
I walk with beauty below me,
I walk with beauty above me,
I walk with beauty around me,
My words will be beautiful.
Navajo “Myth of the Beauty Way” Prayer

When I was introduced to this poem I thought it would be a great way to start this month’s blog post. I was on a hike with Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks, a great local organization, and the docent had our group read this poem aloud before we started on our way to explore Dripping Springs Natural Area.

So often we are busy with daily activities, like driving to work or school, running to an appointment, focusing on our cellphones, and we don’t notice what is all around us. You don’t have to be hiking in the wilderness to flowers, mountains, clouds, people or animals. My camera tends to be my constant companion so I’m always looking for things that stand out. More than once I have turned the car around to take a photo of something I thought was interesting.

My challenge to you this month is to look for the beauty around you in your day to day life. You just might find a simple little thing that makes you smile.

April was a busy month! I’m still trying to help my mom recover from her broken hip – doctor visits, physical therapy appointments and trips to the senior center kept me running during the week. But weekends were for me. There are many scenic and historic places to explore in the desert and I had a fabulous time exploring the Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico State University, Dripping Springs, Aguirre Springs, local parks, a local cemetery, an iris farm, and Palomas, Mexico.

It’s getting hot in the desert (in the 90’s this weekend!) and it’s been very windy. I hate wind! Everything on my patio is covered in a layer of sand and dirt. So the timing is perfect for me to return to Seattle for the summer. Looking forward to rediscovering the beauty of the city, mountains and water. And going back to work! More on that next month.

Enjoy a beautiful trip through the desert…

april showers?

April showers bring May flowers. Or so the saying goes. We sure could use some showers! Here in the desert we’ve barely had any rain (about a quarter of an inch last month!) but I’m always amazed at what grows with so little precipitation. The two trees in my yard are sporting green buds and my rose bush is showing signs of green leaves and tiny buds. I can’t wait for the shade, we already have temperatures in the 80’s!

Life is feeling kind of normal here. Masks are no longer required and people are enjoying in-person dining, concerts, movies and more. Although today I was at a doctor’s appointment and the office required masks. And there are definitely people still wearing masks in some stores.

Pre-pandemic I typically had my summer work plans in place by now. Not this year. I was excited to get re-hired by my previous employer in Alaska. But when I looked into the cost to rent a car for the summer, I was shocked to see the prices more than doubled since 2019. I just can’t justify that kind of money. So I’ll be looking for a job in Seattle.

Spring in the desert is always interesting! Mid-month we had snow showers early one morning, then it cleared up and reached 70 degrees! We’ve seen a few night time temperatures reach freezing, day time highs have been in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. And let’s not forget the wind! There’s so much dirt and sand on my patio, it’s terrible. Wind gusts have peaked at 50 mph!

But I have managed to do a few fun things. One great day was a guided, interpretive tour with the BLM along a portion of the Camino Real. It’s so amazing to be able to experience this historic route that was used to haul goods and bring settlers to the land that eventually became the state of New Mexico.

happy lunar new year!

It’s February and time to celebrate the Year of the Tiger, Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Groundhog Day, the Super Bowl, and the lesser known National Tater Dot Day (2/2), National Pizza Day (2/9), National Margarita Day (2/22), among others. Who knew there was so much to celebrate during the shortest month of the year!

Here we are, one month into the new year and I have accomplished absolutely nothing!! I haven’t been anywhere (unless the grocery store counts), not even for a walk. I haven’t taken many new photos. I haven’t really been inspired by anything we normally look forward to when a new year begins.

What I have been doing is helping my mom recover from a broken hip. OK, that is something. I kind of feel like it’s Groundhog Day, every day is the same. But, with some professional help and guidance, she is making slow progress. And she’s starting to do more by herself. Let me tell you, it’s not easy to see your parent struggle with simple tasks.

Since the original purpose of my blog was to share my travels, I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce you to the Land of Enchantment, the state of New Mexico, where I spend a few months each year. What’s the first thing you think of when you hear “New Mexico?” Whatever it is, trust me, there’s much more! This state is filled with miles of natural beauty, mouthwatering cuisines, history dating back 1,000 years, culture, a famous bear….the list goes on.

Here are 12 of my favorite things about New Mexico….

The Lunar New Year is seen as a time of reunion and rebirth, marking the end of winter and the start of spring. I don’t know about the “end of winter” as a major storm is actually heading for New Mexico and much of the Midwest and East Coast tomorrow! Here’s hoping the year of the tiger reunites us with family and friends and brings opportunities to flourish and emerge from the pandemic.

Woo-hoo! It’s 2022!!

We did it! We turned the page to a new month AND a new year. Cheers to a year of hope, happiness, friendship and good health!

We all faced challenges and uncertainties over the past 12 months as we ventured out of our homes and comfort zone in search of some semblance of normalcy. For me, I traveled and spent time with friends; finally got my dental implants; and found a fun temporary job for the summer. My life felt normal-ish. It wasn’t exactly the year I had planned but then, when does that ever happen??!

So, take a deep breath, be grateful for the opportunity to tackle a new year, and remember to do what you can to help your fellow man. Happy New Year!!

Please enjoy a look back at a few of my favorite memories from 2021…

new year, new normal

Happy New Year! I like to end a year and start a new one by getting outside, taking a walk, clearing my head and pondering what lies ahead. To celebrate the end of 2020 I accepted the challenge to walk 20.20 miles in a week. I’m happy to report that I did just that and have the medal to prove it!

And now, the first month of the new year is over. Did it feel any different than the last few months?? We’re still wearing masks and practicing social distancing; events have been canceled; thousands of people are dying every day; millions of people are unemployed; the country is still politically divided. Doesn’t feel much different, does it?

But, the vaccination process against covid-19 has begun; our new administration has a plan to help individuals and businesses; it’s a new day and as President Biden said in his inaugural address, “we will prevail, we will persevere.”

At this time of year many Americans make a resolution to exercise more, lose weight, drink less, be a better person, yada, yada, yada. The majority of resolutions are broken in the first month! Rather than make a resolution I decided to choose a word to describe my life in the new year. Ready, here it is — recalculate!

We’ve all heard “recalculating” from our GPS when we take a wrong turn or miss a street or reach a dead end. “To calculate again, especially in order to eliminate errors or to incorporate additional factors or data.” I can see a few things I may have to recalculate this year. Like my summer job in Alaska. I was rehired but depending on what the major cruise lines do, I don’t know when my job begins. Where will I live? Depends on where I get a job. If Alaska doesn’t work out, I’ll need to find something else. Many things I need to do depend on something else happening. Kind of a vicious circle with choices to make based on new factors and data.

But one thing is certain, no matter where I am I will always make the best of it and find fun and interesting things to do. January was no exception. I met new people, caught up with a few old friends, did some hiking and took a day trip or two. I did some things around the house like update a few garage-sale finds and give my bathroom a new look. Well, I might have hired someone to do that; it looks fantastic. And I’ve been helping some homeless cats; I think I’ve been adopted!

I hope that as we all recalculate during this new year our paths will cross again….in person or on Zoom! Keep wearing your mask, washing your hands, staying socially distant and getting your vaccine!

A few of my hikes…

I got this old metal filing cabinet for a dollar. Love the new look!

A few bathroom updates. A pretty new white counter top to replace the ugly orange one; got rid of the shower doors; and updated the shelves and wall of the cabinet. Thanks, Nick!

Two of the “regulars’ who hang out on my patio. Anybody want a cat?? These two are very sweet and friendly.

Day trip to Silver City.

What does your “new normal” look like?


Wondering what IBD is? It’s something I know way too much about. Most of you know that I have Crohn’s disease which is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). December is here and that means it is IBD Awareness Week, December 1-7. I joke that I’m aware every single day that I have this chronic, incurable disease, I don’t need a week to remind me! But seriously, IBD Awareness Week was created in 2011 by U.S. Senate Resolution 199, “designed to bring together the IBD community around a shared goal—to raise awareness and educate the public about IBD as part of our mission to see a future free of Crohn’s and colitis.” More than three million Americans have been diagnosed with IBD and you can learn more here.

I won’t bore you with my story but if you need to hear it again, be my guest.

We all know 2020 has been a challenging year. Especially so for people with a chronic illness who require more frequent medical attention. My colonoscopy and lab tests were delayed many months due to the pandemic. No one enjoys prepping for a colonoscopy but for IBD patients this test provides vital information. This year my procedure came with a mandatory covid test.

The other big issue on the minds of people with a chronic illness is health insurance. If coverage for pre-existing conditions is taken away, well, I don’t even want to think about the impact that will have. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago and to lose coverage now is unthinkable. My three surgeries in 2014-15 cost well over $100,000 and the retail cost of my current monthly medication is close to $6,000. Without insurance I would certainly have lost my home and depleted my savings.

However, as we enter the last month of 2020 there is reason to be hopeful. We have adapted and sacrificed, we have made changes and embraced technology, we have learned new things and helped keep each other safe. Promising covid vaccines will soon be available. A new administration will lead our country. Jobs will be back. Businesses will be open. We can travel again, hug our family and friends, eat in restaurants. I can’t wait!!

2020 will certainly be a year we won’t soon forget. Amid the losses and challenges, I found some good things. I hope you did, too. Have a very merry Christmas, a happy Hanukkah and a very happy 2021!!

A few of my favorite things from 2020…

stop the madness!

Congratulations! You made it to November! It’s been a challenge, to say the least. A country divided, a life-changing election, a deadly virus, killer hornets, hurricanes, an asteroid heading for earth, a full blue moon on Halloween, Daylight Saving Time…

It may be difficult to think of things to be grateful for as we approach Thanksgiving but if you made it this far in good mental and physical health, and you can pay your bills and put food on the table, count your blessings.

With so much negativity invading our thoughts every day, it can be hard to focus on the positive things. Remember, it’s the simple things that get us through the day…a call from a friend, a walk in the park, a delicious meal, finishing a project, internet access, a funny movie. I’m sure you can name five or six things that made you smile today.

At this time of year I look forward to visiting pumpkin patches and attending Day of the Dead celebrations. I was able to visit a fantastic farm stand and a small pumpkin patch. Ironic that over 229,000 Americans have been lost to coronavirus and Day of the Dead festivities have been canceled. If you lost someone this year, no matter the reason, mourn their passing but think of the positive ways they impacted your life and all they accomplished during their time on this earth.

We will soon know (hopefully) who will lead our country for the next four years. I believe Americans want the same things, like good jobs, an end to the virus, an end to racism and violence, and our rights protected. We just have different visions on how to reach these goals. Whatever your political belief, here’s hoping we have a return to our “normal” life very soon.

As we move toward shorter days, colder weather, the holiday season and the end of 2020, remember…

Here’s a few things that made my October special.

As always, thanks for reading and sharing your comments. If you haven’t already, follow WanderBee Photography on Facebook and on Instagram @wanderbee60.