spring fever

Hey, what happened to February?? Good thing it was a short month! Thanks to those who emailed me to say they didn’t get my February blog and asked if I was OK. What can I say? Life happens!

So, here we are at the beginning of a busy, new month. March brings the promise of Spring, St. Patrick’s Day, International Women’s Day, the start of Daylight Saving Time and a whole bunch of special and wacky “holidays” — National Crayon Day, World Poetry Day, Awkward Moments Day….Who comes up with these??

I love Spring, the season of renewal. Our perspective seems to change as we leave the darkness of winter and enjoy longer days and notice trees and flowers coming to life. While I was in Alaska for two weeks in February where it was cold and snowy (and beautiful!), I thought about how different the city looked in the summer when I typically visit Anchorage. My friend commented how much more people appreciate the short Alaska summer after living with months of cold, snow and dark days. How true! I have been spending the winter months in the desert southwest where we have sunny, warm days. I always said I didn’t miss the freezing temperatures and piles of snow, but, you know, for a couple of weeks I really enjoyed it! A winter trip to Alaska may become an annual event!

While I was in Alaska I visited with friends, saw lots of moose and attended my very first Fur Rondy winter festival. Wacky winter events take place across the city and I had so much fun watching the sled dog races, snowshoe softball, fireworks show, outhouse races, blanket toss and the snow sculpting contest. If you’ve never been to Alaska in the winter, I highly recommend it!

March is shaping up to be another busy month. I have a few hikes planned, some volunteer work, a couple of road trips. And taking care of my mom who has been through quite a bit over the past weeks and requires a bit of extra help.

“No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.”