scenes of summer – august

w sunSeattleites live for August! With the driest and hottest weather of the year, August is jam-packed with activities. Sadly, this month also brought us hazy, smokey air coming from forest fires in British Columbia, Canada as well as Western Washington. Being outside for even a short time made my eyes water and my throat feeling raw from the smoke. So sad to see (or not see) our beautiful water and mountains shrouded in a thick haze.

With summer coming to an end I’ve decided to try something new so this will be my last blog post, for now, anyway. Thanks to the few of you who actually read and commented on my posts. I enjoyed writing them and finally putting my journalism degree to good use! But, things change, times change and I’m always up for moving out of my comfort zone a little bit. New adventures are on the horizon as I enter a big new decade on my upcoming birthday – we’ll just say it ends in zero and leave it at that. I’ll still be sharing photos and stories but in a new way. Stay tuned! Until then, here are a few of my favorite images of summer in Seattle 2018.

Everyone was talking about the Pearl Jam Home Shows. Seattle is home to Pearl Jam and the band rallied local businesses and volunteers to raise money to help the  homeless. I was shocked to learn that Seattle has the 3rd worst homeless crisis in the country. The band set a goal of $10 million and that number has been surpassed. Now let’s hope the folks they give the money to can truly help people.


August found me out and about, from Ellensburg in Eastern Washington, to the Columbia City neighborhood of Seattle. All kinds of fun things got my attention in my friend’s garden and in the local community garden.

If you visit Ellensburg, do stop by Dick and Jane’s Spot…..

Fun finds in the garden….

Thanks again for stopping by. See you soon!