stop the madness!

Congratulations! You made it to November! It’s been a challenge, to say the least. A country divided, a life-changing election, a deadly virus, killer hornets, hurricanes, an asteroid heading for earth, a full blue moon on Halloween, Daylight Saving Time…

It may be difficult to think of things to be grateful for as we approach Thanksgiving but if you made it this far in good mental and physical health, and you can pay your bills and put food on the table, count your blessings.

With so much negativity invading our thoughts every day, it can be hard to focus on the positive things. Remember, it’s the simple things that get us through the day…a call from a friend, a walk in the park, a delicious meal, finishing a project, internet access, a funny movie. I’m sure you can name five or six things that made you smile today.

At this time of year I look forward to visiting pumpkin patches and attending Day of the Dead celebrations. I was able to visit a fantastic farm stand and a small pumpkin patch. Ironic that over 229,000 Americans have been lost to coronavirus and Day of the Dead festivities have been canceled. If you lost someone this year, no matter the reason, mourn their passing but think of the positive ways they impacted your life and all they accomplished during their time on this earth.

We will soon know (hopefully) who will lead our country for the next four years. I believe Americans want the same things, like good jobs, an end to the virus, an end to racism and violence, and our rights protected. We just have different visions on how to reach these goals. Whatever your political belief, here’s hoping we have a return to our “normal” life very soon.

As we move toward shorter days, colder weather, the holiday season and the end of 2020, remember…

Here’s a few things that made my October special.

As always, thanks for reading and sharing your comments. If you haven’t already, follow WanderBee Photography on Facebook and on Instagram @wanderbee60.

your vote counts

I wasn’t quite sure what to write about for my October blog. Not much has changed since my previous musings. We’re still talking about the same things – you know what they are. Most of us have reached a point of “disaster fatigue.” Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did.

But I like to think there’s hope and that what happens in the upcoming Presidential election will be a turning point in the right direction. We may not all agree on our choice of candidate but we do agree that the outcome will have a huge impact on our lives. Over the years I never really thought much about politics. No matter what happened in the great big world, all was right in my little world. I had a job, a home, money in the bank, good healthcare; I could come and go when and where I wanted; my friends of varied backgrounds all got along. Sadly, many of these things are in jeopardy and are impacting my little world. So please join me and VOTE between now and November 3! Our lives really do depend on it.

Here we are in October, one of my favorite months. I love the crisp, fall air; visiting pumpkin patches; bringing out my sweaters; leaf peeping; seeing children (and some adults) dressed up for Halloween. And I love driving around and seeing all the Halloween decorations. Last October I had a fabulous time in New York state with friends. We completed a half marathon, tasted fantastic local wines, beer and cider, and absolutely enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

What a difference a year makes. Instead of haunted houses and Halloween parties, our “scary entertainment” will be watching political debates on television. Let’s hope this month of “trick or treat” will finally deliver some treats! Make it happen, my friends….VOTE!!

I want to thank my friends who have responded so positively to my blog. Your kind words and appreciation truly mean a lot.

A few of my September wanderings…