decisions, decisions

Every day we make many decisions, some easy, some more difficult. We decide what to wear, what to have for breakfast, what to watch on TV. If you have been to New Mexico the big decision is red or green??! Some decisions take more planning and research. Where should I go on vacation? What color should I paint the living room? A couple of months ago I bought a new car. The first decision I made was was how much I wanted to spend. And what kind of car did I want? Did the color matter? New or used? I ended up buying a car that I never thought I would own!

Some choices we regret. I can think of a few haircuts that were a huge mistake! Or turning left when I should have turned right. Or a blind date or two that were a huge waste of time. We can definitely overthink a decision. It can be agonizing and paralyzing but once the choice is made, now you can move forward.

Sometimes decisions are made for us. I had been thinking about getting a cat and when several stray cats showed up on my doorstep, well, now I have two cats. Doing nothing is also a decision. Sometimes the options can be overwhelming so we decide to do nothing.

At some point in our lives we face life-changing decisions. Move to a new city? Start a new career? Get married? Have children? End a relationship? Decisions bring changes, both good and bad.

My family is currently dealing with a major life-altering decision. The choice that one person makes will affect the rest of us. Everyone will offer opinions, make lists of pros and cons but ultimately the decision will be up to one family member. We’ll do our best to move forward when the decision is made, then of course, there will be more decisions to be made!

As always, thank you for deciding to read my blog post! Here are a few photos of places I chose to go last month and things I did….

3 thoughts on “decisions, decisions

  1. Hola Miz B,
    Looking forward to your return to Seattle.
    Have fun on your cruise up the coast!
    We’ll chat further upon your return.


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